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The Giant Peach

Our blog about all things peachy

Meet our asparagus grower…

The asparagus season is one that starts when the frosts are over and it is good and ready, you can never predict it. Especially this year. We get it straight from one farm which means that we can’t guarantee when it will be on our tables. I guess that’s what we get for only serving … Continued


At Peach, we focus a lot on helping the community, both in our pubs, and overseas with The Peach Foundation. This is why for over eight years, the only bottled water we have sold in our pubs has been BELU. BELU gives 100% of its profits to WaterAid, with the aim that everyone, everywhere should have access to … Continued


Create a better balance and together we can better the world. That’s the campaign theme for this year’s International Women’s Day. At Peach, we celebrate our incredible female team every day and strive for balance. We’re proud to have so many female General Managers, and women in our kitchens too. So, to celebrate 8th March, we asked to … Continued

What It Means To Go Green

We like green things at Peach and thankfully there are many other businesses out there who do too. Here’s our top three mantras to making the planet’s life a little peachier: Say no to food waste The number 1 culprit in the hospitality industry.  A total of 3,415,000 tonnes of waste is disposed of in … Continued

Making Life Peachy in the Mara.

Do you ever play the “which famous people would you invite to your dinner party” game? It’s my favourite car game and I often revisit my list promoting and demoting guests depending on mood. However, there is one constant who never gets thrown off my table and his name is David Attenborough. Put simply, I … Continued

Veganuary – Going Cold Tofurky

2018’s Veganuary campaign broke all records, growing by 183% with 168,542 people signing up to go vegan for January. With this in mind, an eye-opening viewing of Netflix’s ‘Cowspiracy’ and a day of vegan education courtesy of Mildred’s earlier in the year, I decided to take the plunge this year and give it a go. For me … Continued

Going Pescetarian

After a busy 2017 focusing on my wedding in October, I have to admit, I was daunted by 2018. What was I going to do with all the time I had previously dedicated to wedmin? So, in December last year, to combat the wedding blues, I set myself monthly challenges for 2018. From skiing to … Continued

A special evening with Daniel Acevedo of Mildreds

Tuesday 23rd October – The High Field Studio, Edgbaston If you’re vegetarian, a vegan or just love food, don’t miss a fantastic feast at The High Field Studio this month. For one night only, Tuesday 23rd October, executive chef and author Daniel Acevedo from London’s Mildreds will be teaming up with The High Field Head Chef … Continued

Live Life on The Veg

Over the last 12 months, we’ve really seen a spike in interest in a more plant-based diet. So much so, more and more of our pubs are hosting vegetarian and vegan nights, and our teams attending inspiration days with friends from Mildreds. The High Field’s weekly veggie night has proven popular, and blogger Word in … Continued