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The Giant Peach

Our blog about all things peachy

If you don’t already know about Belu, let us tell you…

We’re super proud to serve Belu Water and we’re often told we don’t shout about it enough! 2018 was a milestone year for the Belu team, generating £1,012,216 net profit for WaterAid bringing their total passed to WaterAid up to £4,053,207 (as of 31st March 2019). What an achievement! So, if you don’t already know … Continued

Introducing The Bigger Peach Team

Making Life Peachy for team and guests has always been at the core of what we do. But as we become more and more aware of how we can better look after the planet, we realised we needed to broaden what this meant for us. Bigger Peach team was formed in 2019 to drive our … Continued

Random Acts of Kindness

At Peach, we believe in giving back to local communities and charities – now more than ever, they need our support. This Random Acts of Kindness Day (17th February), we’ll be donating £4,000 across 20 charities in our towns. Thank you for your nominations! Here are the local charities we’ll be supporting this month; The … Continued

Herds for Growth Update Jan 2021

Our Vision To create best cattle management on all Mara conservancies, delivering increased, fair and diversified income to conservancy members in the Mara and demonstrating a sustainable model of co-existence between livestock and wildlife. History In 2017, it became clear the herds of cattle on Enonkishu which normally totalled 700-800 were not producing significant income and … Continued

Always Native, Always Fresh, Always The Good Stuff

Day-boat sourcing means fresher fish, fully traceable from the moment it’s caught, to its arrival on your plate, from fishermen who take the sustainability of the seas as seriously as we do. We spoke to Trevor Blake, one of our executive chefs, to find out more about how our menus are written and why we … Continued

The Duke of Wellington & Cherry Trees

First meeting in February 2020, Cherry Trees and Sian at The Duke of Wellington just knew they would be a great team. But we all know what happened – the outbreak of the pandemic hampered community fundraising partnerships across the sector, meaning it was some months before both could meet again and move forward with … Continued

Shaking up Salt

9-15 March is Salt Awareness Week, an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness about our salt consumption. It’s important everyone takes responsibility for our well-being and health, and crucially, ensure we’re doing our bit to give guests balanced choice across our menus. Recommendations state we should be having no more than 6g of salt a day, but … Continued

The Burnt Chef Project – The Interview

Before we launched our fundraising for The Burnt Chef Project, Head Chef James and Lindsey from the marketing team had the pleasure of catching up with Kris, the founder of the campaign. We found out a little more about how The Burnt Chef Project came about, how to wind down on days off and the … Continued