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The Giant Peach

Our blog about all things peachy

Winter’s Comment Card Winners

This season’s comment card winners got to experience all that’s wonderful about Williams Chase GB, and one lucky winner also won an overnight stay in Chase’s hotel alongside a tour of their distillery. We appreciate all the feedback we receive and it helps us to grow. Also, we love rewarding our guests! First prize went … Continued

Our Peachy Pub Quiz – The Questions

Peach Pubs Food & Drink Quiz For those who would like to play at home, or over video call, here are the questions. Click here for the answers at the end. ROUND ONE One and a half litres of champagne is known as a what? You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then … Continued

Aperitivo Moment Winners

This season’s comment card winners will experience the aperitvo moment that Aperol so famously champion! Spreading wildly throughout Italy, we are sure they’ve got it right. So this season, we had two tiers of prizes; first a trip to Italy for one guest and their lucky companion. The second, a bottle of Aperol to bring … Continued

PeachFest 2016 – Born in the USA!

Wow! This year saw the 15th PeachFest, who’d have thought ten years ago we would be gathering a collection of Peachy people from 17 pubs and a boutique hotel in our 15th edition? This year we partied on the day of American independence, so our theme was rather set out for us, with all of … Continued

Winter’s Winners

A private party for six with Martell Cognac As the season changes, so do our comment cards, and therefore their prizes! Winter’s comment card prize was something warming and Brandy themed. Guests that filled in a comment card with feedback from their visit were entered into a prize draw, to be in with a chance … Continued

Making Life Peachy 🍑

This week we want to shout out to all the amazing Peach Pubs family who’ve been going above and beyond! Thanks for the inspo @makegoodgrow ❤️ From volunteering in vaccination centres to delivering prescriptions and food parcels to the most vulnerable people in isolation, the team really are doing what they can in the local … Continued

Lockdown Heroes…

During lockdown, we saw so many local heroes in our Towns, and we wanted to say thank you for all they did. In September we asked our guests for their stories, and rewarded them with a £10 gift, from us and them. Here are some of the truly amazing words we received. From The Swan … Continued

The Lucky Gin Winners!

This season’s comment card winners saw a difference in prize! We’re big fans of Gin and our Gin collection is growing to match this. We are lucky enough to list incredible British brands like, Sipsmith, amongst Brockmans and Beefeater. Each season we ask our guests to fill out a comment card with their feedback on … Continued

The High Field in Edgbaston turns five!

Time really does fly. Gathering the team, we started our training on what it means to give a Peachy service and have a great Gastropub. Little did we know the room we were then training in would one day become The High Field Studio.  .            It was mid September, we were … Continued