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The Giant Peach

Our blog about all things peachy

If you don’t already know about Belu, let us tell you…

We’re super proud to serve Belu Water and we’re often told we don’t shout about it enough! 2018 was a milestone year for the Belu team, generating £1,012,216 net profit for WaterAid bringing their total passed to WaterAid up to £4,053,207 (as of 31st March 2019). What an achievement! So, if you don’t already know … Continued

A South African Adventure

If one of your bosses emailed to ask if you would like to spend five days in South Africa with a group of awesome Peaches & representatives from our wine suppliers Boutinot, tasting wine and eating all manner of deliciousness, how long do you think it would take you to reply? With me it was … Continued

Meet our asparagus grower…

The asparagus season is one that starts when the frosts are over and it is good and ready, you can never predict it. Especially this year. We get it straight from one farm which means that we can’t guarantee when it will be on our tables. I guess that’s what we get for only serving … Continued


At Peach, we focus a lot on helping the community, both in our pubs, and overseas with The Peach Foundation. This is why for over eight years, the only bottled water we have sold in our pubs has been BELU. BELU gives 100% of its profits to WaterAid, with the aim that everyone, everywhere should have access to … Continued

Asparagus is on its way…

Every year, our chefs search for the freshest, most seasonal produce to bring to your plate, and with Asparagus being one of our favourite spring ingredients, we wanted to ensure we sourced the very best we could find. Our founder, Hamish, was determined to be one of the first to have this years English Asparagus, and … Continued


Create a better balance and together we can better the world. That’s the campaign theme for this year’s International Women’s Day. At Peach, we celebrate our incredible female team every day and strive for balance. We’re proud to have so many female General Managers, and women in our kitchens too. So, to celebrate 8th March, we asked to … Continued

What It Means To Go Green

We like green things at Peach and thankfully there are many other businesses out there who do too. Here’s our top three mantras to making the planet’s life a little peachier: Say no to food waste The number 1 culprit in the hospitality industry.  A total of 3,415,000 tonnes of waste is disposed of in … Continued

My day in cups of tea

Tash Whitmill talks us through her day as Design Manager at Peach in cups of tea Tell us about the first cuppa of the day. It depends which day!  Monday, Tuesday we are talking hot water and lemon followed by a green sludgy smoothie.  Towards the end of the week it goes to breakfast tea … Continued

Making Life Peachy in the Mara.

Do you ever play the “which famous people would you invite to your dinner party” game? It’s my favourite car game and I often revisit my list promoting and demoting guests depending on mood. However, there is one constant who never gets thrown off my table and his name is David Attenborough. Put simply, I … Continued