Wow! This year saw the 15th PeachFest, who’d have thought ten years ago we would be gathering a collection of Peachy people from 17 pubs and a boutique hotel in our 15th edition? This year we partied on the day of American independence, so our theme was rather set out for us, with all of our pubs donning gear celebrating our friends from across the pond. Peachy rules set, tents pitched in our ever faithful Thame field, pubs dressed up and we were ready to go! The teams began to show their faces in the field, there was even a Hummer limo full of gangster rappers!
A few cowboys, Playboy Bunnies and the rest of the characters grabbed their first drink of the night; a Long Island Ice Tea or a Peach Punch from our friends at Pernod Ricard (the start of what was to be a long night for some!). Before everyone made their way to the big top, they lined their stomachs with an Aubrey Allen Burger or Dog, fit for a queen!
As the tent opened, the suppliers bar team readied themselves – armed with Beer, Vodka and so much more – they prepared for a rigorous workload, with many Peachy people blowing off a lot of hard earned steam from the last year. Hamish and Lee then brought everyone together to recognise our Peach Heroes. There was even a late showing from our very own David Hasselhoff, Britney Spears and Elvis to mention the winners! A couple of members of every pub team were celebrated, those who have excelled and put in 110% into every shift they’ve worked.
Now the real party started! Every pub choreographed a two-minute dance based on their theme; which they performed to the best of their drunken ability with the rest of their Peachy peers. The Fleece won with their superb Playboy act including General Manager, Duncan, spraying his bunnies with cash!
PeachFest 2016 was fully under the way, the band performed a range of modern day beats right through to some old school classics, followed by DJ Rich into the early hours. Non-stop celebrating by many until the sun rose, with a handful of soldiers returning to work knowing that they’re ready to Make Life Peachy again the following day. We’re loving all the pictures on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #peachfestusa, shows just how much fun we had!
Heaps of the Peach family are unaware of the efforts and cost behind arranging an event of this volume. Closing 17 pubs and one boutique hotel, for a one night blow-out, comes at huge costs! Not to mention many of the central team being hurled out of their revenue making jobs to put their focus into creating a cracking night for the Peach family. But Hamish, Jo and Lee and the rest of the Peach team feel this is such a phenomenal way to say thank you to everyone for all their hard work – it certainly doesn’t go under the radar!
See you next year!